Which is the right path for PON beyond 10G single wavelength?

Sunday 09.00-13.00

Derek Nesset, Huawei, UK
Jun Shan Wey, ZTE, USA

Network operators are facing an expanding list of difficult choices in upgrading their Gigabit-era PONs. The first choice is whether to bypass the 10 Gbit/s PONs and go directly to something more future proof, but relatively immature, such as NG-PON2. Even considering the 10 Gbit/s PON flavours, there are different opinions concerning symmetric or asymmetric line rates. The target applications will determine the technical direction, along with the appropriate costs. Intense debates about the potential technology choices have been taking place in the IEEE802.3ca and ITU-T Q2/SG15 standards groups.

In the past, IEEE and ITU-T have moved in step and broadly matched each other in system release dates and physical layer specifications. This enabled shared volumes of common components. However, the two bodies are defining two very different systems with 100G-EPON and NG-PON2. IEEE aims for 100 Gbit/s PON capacity by 2025 and ITU T already has an 80 Gbit/s capacity option in NG-PON2. ITU-T opted for the flexibility and operational simplicity of wavelength tunable ONUs at 10Gbit/s, while IEEE is moving towards 25, 50, and 100 Gbit/s line rates with fixed wavelengths and bonded channels.

With IEEE and ITU-T adopting different approaches to PON evolution beyond 10G-EPON and XG(S)-PON respectively, this workshop will debate the various pros and cons from a service provider, system integrator and component vendor perspective. The workshop seeks to understand why the different approaches have been followed and what the respective trade-offs are.

  • What are the advantages of tunability with higher aggregate capacity?
  • Why did IEEE think that bonded 25Gbit/s channels were more attractive?
  • Is having these two different systems good for the entire industry given previous IEEE/ITU-T alignment at the physical layer?
  • What are the applications? Residential FTTH/B, Business Services, 5G?
  • Is there a prospect for convergence in PON standards?
  • What is the long term technology direction that PON should follow?
  • Are there any potential roadblocks and what are the necessary breakthroughs?

This workshop includes expert speakers from network operators deploying PON technology, system vendors with experience of IEEE and/or ITU-T PON, component vendors and academic researchers providing a longer term technology perspective. A lively and thought provoking workshop is anticipated and audience participation will be strongly encouraged.

Workshop Session 1


Vincent O’Byrne (Verizon, USA) : Making the case for NG-PON2: Verizon’s Perspective

Fabienne Saliou (Orange, France) : What are the realistic applications for PON capacity above 10G?

Ed Harstead (Nokia, USA) : Higher line rate PONs: an alternative take enabled by advances in datacenter technologies

Yong Guo (ZTE, China) : Is the industry ready for another high capacity PON?

Lilin Yi (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ., China) : 25Gbps PON and beyond

Kai Habel (Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institute, Germany) : Why we should use OFDM for future PON systems

Speaker Panel – Q&A

Coffee Break ( 10:50-11:10)

Workshop Session 2


Kenichi Suzuki (NTT, Japan): What is the next step for PON deployment in Japan?

John Johnson (Broadcom, USA) : Why 100G-EPON is the logical next step in PON evolution: An optical components perspective

Junichi Nakagawa (Mitsubishi Electric, Japan) : Upcoming challenges for PON transceiver vendors

Peter Ossieur (Tyndall National Institute, Ireland) : Innovations in burst-mode optical receiver ICs at 25G and beyond

Weiping Huang (Hisense, China) : Challenges in meeting diverse future PON transceiver requirements

Frank Effenberger (Huawei, USA) : The future of PON is converged

Speaker Panel – Q&A

End (13:00)