1) Fibres, Fibre Devices and Fibre Amplifiers
Stojan Radic, University of California San Diego, USA
”Applications of nonlinear fiber based parametric processes”
Guifang Li, University of Central Florida, USA
“Weakly coupled few-mode fibers and their applications”
Camille-Sophie Bres,
“Dispersion engineered chalcogenide fibers for low power parametric amplification”
Radan Slavik, ORC, Southampton University
“Ultralow thermal sensitivity of phase and propagation delay in hollow-core fibres”
Cristian Antonelli, Universita dell’Aquila
“Propagation effects in few-mode fibers”
2) Integrated Optoelectronic Devices and Optical Processors
Dan Blumenthal, UC Santa Barbara, USA
“Ultra-low loss SiN planar waveguide platform and applications”
Takuro Fujii, NTT Corporation, Japan
“High performance epitaxially grown III/V membrane lasers on Si”
Timo Aalto, VTT, Finland
“Transceivers for 400G based on hybrid integrated thick SOI and III/V chips”
Frederic Boeuf, 850 rue Jean Monnet, France
“Challenges for silicon photonics technology”
Wolfram H. Pernice, University of Münster, Germany
“Integrated quantum photonic circuits with electrically driven light sources”
3) Digital Techniques for Optical Communication Systems
Georg Böcherer, Technical University of Munich, Germany
“Fast Probabilistic Shaping Implementationfor Long-Haul Fiber-Optic Communication Systems”
Marco Secondini, TeCIP Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
“Fiber nonlinearity mitigation in WDM systems: strategies and achievable rates”
Vahid Aref, Nokia Bell Labs, Germany
“Does the Cross-Talk Between Nonlinear Modes Limit the Performance of NFDM Systems?”
Jens Rasmussen,
“DSP for short reach optical links”
Koike-Akino, MERL, USA
“High performance non-binary LDPC coding techniques for multilevel modulation formats”
4) Transmission Subsystems and Optical Network Elements
Joel Carpenter, The University of Queensland, Australia
“Principal modes in multimode fibre”
Hiroshi Yamazaki, NTT Corporation, Japan
“Ultra-Wideband Digital-to-Analog Conversion Technologies for Tbit/s channel transmission”
Michael Eiselt, ADVA Optical Networking SE, Germany
“Optical transceivers for mobile front-haul and PON applications”
Masatoshi Suzuki, KDDI Research, Inc., Japan
“Peta bit per second optical transmission with spatial division multiplexing”
Jean-Yves Dupuy, III-V Lab, France
“High performance electronics for high-speed optical transceivers in datacom and telecom applications”
5) Datacom and Computercom Hardware
H, Schmidtke
“Application-driven requirements for next-generation data center interconnects”
Dazeng Feng, Mellanox Technologies Inc, USA
“Silicon photonics integration platform for high performance interconnects”
Jessie Rosenberg, IBM Watson Research Center, USA
“Monolithic silicon photonic WDM transceivers”
Frank Chang, Inphi Corp, USA
“New Paradigm Shift to PAM4 Signaling at 100/400G for Cloud Data Centers: A Performance Review ”
6) Point-to-Point Transmission Links
Yuta Wakayama, KDDI Research, Inc, Japan
“Ultra-high spectral efficiency few-mode multicore fiber transmission”
Alexei Pilipetski, TE SubCom, USA
“The role of SDM in future trans-oceanic transmission systems”
Masanori Nakamura, Network Innovation Laboratories, Japan
“Long Haul Transmission at High Baud Rates toward over 100-GBaud with Coded Modulation”
Arthur Lowery, Dept. Elec. & Comp. Syst. Eng, Australia
“Distributed nonlinear compensation using optoelectronics circuits”
Junho Cho, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
“High spectral efficiency transmission with probabilistic shaping”
Roland Ryf, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
“Long-haul transmission over multi core fiber with coupled cores”
Chandrasekhar Sethumadhavan, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
“High spectral efficiency transmission with probabilistic shaping”
7) Core, Metro, and Data Centre Networks
Nicola Sambo, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy
“Control and management of sliceable transponders”
Marc DeLeenheer, ON.Lab, USA
“SDN control of optical networks”
Kevin Sparks, Nokia Bell Labs, USA
“Could the transformation to cloud-optimized networking be opening a new era for dynamic optical networking?”
Ken-ichi Sato, Nagoya University, Japan
“Realization and application of large-scale fast optical circuit switch for data center networking”
Anna Tzanakaki, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, UK
“Optical networking: An important enabler for 5G”
8) Access, Local Area and Indoor Networks
Jun-ichi Kani, NTT Access Network Service Systems Laboratories, Japan
“Flexible Access System Architecture to Support Diverse Requirements and Agile Service Creation”
Xiang. Liu, Huawei, USA
“Recent progresses on efficient mobile front-haul for 5G wireless networks”
Piet Demeester, Ghent University, Belgium
“ATTO: Wireless networking at fibre speed”
Naoki Suzuki, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan
“100G to 1T based Coherent PON Technology”